Monday, March 7, 2011


So hey.

Ehheh, I've clearly been lazying around and it's like almost 4 AM in here, so here's quick and brief update about everything. I promise that tomorrow I'll post update with some neat pictures too. We have like 400 pics already so there's much to do.

So briefly we're again safely in West Palm Beach, after night over in Venice, about 3 hours drive to there and 3 hours more to back. So yes, again, we are alive. Thanks for asking. <3

Few things worth mentioning shortly:

- I've been getting much comments and praises about my leader of freak circus-look. Most of them have being nice to hear, good comments and making me laugh and blush but yes, I've been getting also these long looks from ones who clearly can't decide if they like it or not. And lot's of smiles too! I'm happy. <3
- Oh, there have to be some luxury of life so I got new bag (smaller version of my beloved boombox but with real speakers), new cowboy hat (pink, made completely of maize), new black hoodie what has this awesome pair of pink-yellow-blue stars on front and new wannabe-leather jacket (actually it really looked like it, but it's pvc - I love it...), hot pink gel nails (toni, don't be bitter, it won't make you prettier), new card-rpg called Zombie Fluxx (it's hilarious! <3) and newest issue of Walking Dead! OMG! Also some gifts to bring home too. ;D
- We've found few descent bars like O'Shea, where you can hear your own thoughts.
- Tasted like almost everything different. Everything here is almost too greasy or too sweet. XD
- Today we witnessed lightnings far far away. It was quite scary, but not too scary, because I didn't hear the horrible sounds.

So here's few brief things I had in mind, so beware of new updates near future. We have like few days and week left so we'll see you folks soon. I promise. <3 I'm suffering of horrible homesickness already. ;__; And I miss you guys back home and all over the internet, and back Rovaniemi. <3 Month can be a fucking long time, now I know that.

OH AND wait for postcards! They should be on their way by now! Yippee!
(I should be sleeping by now like Oyri does, smart woman, but I'm not tired at all. Just sad and anxious because I miss mom and dad and everyone back home so much.)

With Love: Lazyass-Vanitsu & Sleepyhead-Oyri

Now Playing: Disturbed - Shout